Linda Paris's Posts (915)

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There are several projects you will be interested to hear about in the intro of today’s snarky news post.

Q has been posting, and I can’t wait to show you what I found in the mega mean folder. It’s a definition of "Hypocrisy" that will tell you need to know about Brennan!

Durham is all over the news as he chases after Brennan on the origins of the Trump/Russian interference hoax. Watch the panic intensify.

They need to come up with some new tricks… and they won’t! Because, like Q says… these people are stupid.

And… remember to shop at RedPillLiving before tonight at midnight to get your 15% off discount on everything in the store for President’s day.

Use the coupon code DARKTOLIGHT for 15% off everything. Click Here to redeem your coupon code now >>

Plus… find out what I really think about the tweet from the leftist bimbo … typical dumbass who doesn’t have a freaking clue what’s going on.

Click "Play" and turn up the sound for today’s dose of snarky news commentary, Q Posts... and more!

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Q dropped another meme… and you know how I love memes.

Now… I’m the kind of person that tried to get a glimpse of the Christmas presents. I remember sneaking down to the tree and shaking the gifts under the tree. I wanted to know what was IN there.

The same is true today….

I’m ‘shaking the presents’ because I want to know who will be the first arrests.

Nadler? That Piggy, Pelosi? Schiff? Look… If you told me there were humanoids from another planet, I’d call out Schiff as being one.


Click "Play" and turn up the sound for today’s dive into Q posts and even more snarky news commentary!

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Our dearly beloved, duly elected president has a rally tonight!

Q has been posting -- “The first will send a shock wave.”

Would Hunter Biden be a shock? To those who are asleep, perhaps. For us who are awake… we’re wondering what’s taking so long. Those of us “in-the-know” have known about this for a long time.

Maybe it’ll be Schiff, I don’t know.

There are many directions this can go.

Click "Play" and turn up the sound for today’s dose of snarky news commentary!

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It’s been one thing after another today…

And More Q!

Nothing is ever going to convince me these swamp creatures don’t have 5 or 6 clones.

It appears Hunter Biden is the nexus for things happening with Burisma. It seems like Joe isn’t the main target… It's Hunter. At the end of the day, these rats are all connected… their kids are connected… and while they’re screwing us over in 15,000 other ways, their kids are screwing us over in Ukraine.

There’s a lot to go over today, so let’s get started

Click "Play" and turn up the sound for today’s dose of snarky news commentary!

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I want to let you know I appreciate you. One of the big things I aim to do is keep you laughing through all this, because…

We can’t let our hearts die.

I'f we’re gonna bitch and complain about this, we need to be like Sam Kinnison and laugh while we’re doing it.

We have every reason to be angry.

Today we dive head first into the Q-Posts. There’s a lot happening, and the headlines are crazy… we start with Q.


Click "Play" and turn up the sound for today’s dose of snarky news commentary!

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I don’t know if you’ve heard this… There has been a change in tone.

It’s deafening.

When they were planning this, I think they picked on things that were going to trigger the avalanche of information -- to cast the biggest net… and to catch these creeps.

There are too many stories to cover, and I can’t cover them all or we’d be here for 3+ hours… I picked the most important…

And, I couldn't leave this out… Who is it that looks like they are crossed with Lizard and Rat DNA? I’ll tell you in today’s snarky report. Here’s a hint: this guy never looks normal. These people are deep underground… somethings.

Click "Play" and turn up the sound for today’s dose of snarky news commentary!

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The stand out moment from the State of The Union? I’ll share it with you today … and after I do, there is a different slant on this than what people are talking about.


The Tear! She tore up the official SOTU speech -- the WITCH! Fortunately, I don’t think any of this is what it appears to be. All the details are in today’s Snarky News commentary! Click "Play" and turn up the sound to get this party started!

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Can you imagine… there is no amount of exaggeration strong enough to explain the bullet we dodged from not having to deal with Smelly Pants Clinton… this witch! I don’t know what you were going to do… I was going to leave the country because it would have been hell on earth!

Judging from what I’m learning about what’s under the ice in Antarctica, here’s what I’m going to do next (timestamp: 4m2s)…

I also want to go over some of these Q Posts.

In addition…

What’s going on with Joe Biden? Does creepy Joe have a clone? There’s something wrong with him. I’ll tell you what I think is really going on.

Now, click "Play" and turn up the sound for your dose of snarky news commentary!

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What’s under the ice? We’re about to deep dive into mind control, Antarctica, and Human Cloning.

Here’s a taste of what’s inside:

  • The MK-ULTRA mind control techniques… were they passed down for thousands of years?
  • Are “Brain Chips” an ancient technology?
  • How they create a “House” inside the victim’s brain, and they create a space that an outside entity can occupy and ‘manage’ the other created personalities.
  • About the breakaway civilizations of mind control victims in Antarctica
  • The “Artificial Intelligence Parasite”
  • How ‘They’ are trying to use this technology to access your body.
  • All this and SO much more

Now, click "Play" and turn up the sound for this deep dive.

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It’s time to start truth-bombing in a big way. I think it’s going to be the Epstein Island thing that will break the dam… and I think once it goes… it’s going to go all at once!

Everything is going to be shown to be connected.

They’re trying to create a high-tech recreation of Babylon… and it’s all going to fail.

Rudy is dropping the truth-bombs, and the avalanche is about to begin.

Now, click "Play" and turn up the sound for your dose of snarky news commentary!

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I'm gonna write a book about how we had to live with these dumbazzez. These Dems are going nuts, and it's more and more obvious how batshit crazy these people are.

The White Hats have them rattled.

Lawsuits are coming at everybody from all different directions...

These headlines are cr-cr-cr-craaaAAAAaaazy!

  • You'll see what these NPC professors look like... In a meme! I swear, they all look like this!
  • Fired Ukrainian prosecutor files Federal complaint against Joe Biden! Good, good, good, good!
  • Giuliani taunts Biden with pending release of interview with fired Ukrainian prosecutor... So'omBitch... It's coming down on Biden hard.
  • CSPAN video of Rand Paul impeachment trial question takedown on Twitter... I bet it has something to do with...

Okay, okay, enough already! Click play and listen to this snarky report now!

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Hey! Help me to continue to bring the truth to you! Visit and get yourself some C60... When you purchase through this link, it helps me keep bringing YOU the snark you love!

Q has been posting, and there has been some creepy headlines...
And those lying, fake, disgusting corporate media darlings keep trying to hide our president's accomplishments.

they don't want anybody to think the economy is doing well.

When I used to say, "they think we're stupid"... They KNOW their followers are stupid. They KNOW it! ... And they're hanging onto them with a death grip.

They're trying every stupid trick they can, and I'll dig deeper into that (and tons more) when you click the "Play" button on the video, and turn up the sound.

In the comments section... Who is the biggest dumbazzz? Don Lemmonhead... Mika Brrrrrzinski... Or Mancow?

Now, click "Play" and turn up the sound for your dose of snarky news commentary!

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These flea bitten Bernie Sanders people look like they need a bath! Is anybody shocked?
They're scratching and itching like they have fleas... All while talking about destroying property, and shut down other people's free speech.

They're probably going to go out and lick toilets after this. < br>
These people are filthy!... And they don't know that they are the... Okay... Just click play, I'm not going to get into it here.

Here's what in today's snark...

  • These broke dumbasses shutting down free speech... And... Yes, we know they're getting paid to do it.
  • I think I gave myself whiplash (details at 9m 35s)
  • More on the the freaky, low IQ creeps we love to make fun of... And it's not who you think.
  • The ONE joke these people laugh at... And it's not that funny. They're 'non creatives'... Tell that joke in Gitmo.
  • Schiff wants to get his hands on "This" tech... You know... The tech that's now exposing him. This guy thinks he can talk a reality into existence!
  • and much, much more!

Now, click "Play" and turn up the sound for your dose of snarky news commentary!

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Now we're getting into historical stuff. This is history in the making...

When they played Adam Schiff lying in front of the House -- I'll tell you what, these people are dopes.

Yeah, I said it... Dopes!

It's so good to see it all coming out.

In This Report:

  • What I really think about the stain that these people really wanted as president.
  • The Democrats have an enlarged reptilian section of the brain. It's from sucking on bare television wires and licking their cell phones.
  • Who did I call "Pigface"?
  • The color is draining from Adam Schiff's face.
  • After three years of being unable to respond in court or congress to Liberal lies about Russia and Ukrainian Hoaxes... Trump Team finally on stage so MSM cuts away!!

Now, click "Play" and turn up the sound for your dose of snarky news commentary!

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There are more Q drops! The news? The news today is so disgusting...

I don't even have the words!

Wanna see Sam Kinison? That's what I feel like I'm going to turn into today.

I'm not sure what it is... could be something in the air.

In This Report:

  • It's all connected, and in this video I talk about how it's all coming together culturally, geographically, and in every other way.

  • Military Tribunals... Why I think that's where we're headed

  • How much of the D party have run away from the party? How many people do you know that voted for the Hilldabeast in 2016 and are now kicking themselves in the butt? Why? You'll find out at 24m10s timestamp.

  • My thoughts on the legal dam breaking... it's coming.

  • Why we're lucky they left all the judicial appointments for Smelly Pants Clinton


Now, click "Play" and turn up the sound for your dose of snarky news commentary!

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