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Q has been posting, and there has been some creepy headlines...
And those lying, fake, disgusting corporate media darlings keep trying to hide our president's accomplishments.

they don't want anybody to think the economy is doing well.

When I used to say, "they think we're stupid"... They KNOW their followers are stupid. They KNOW it! ... And they're hanging onto them with a death grip.

They're trying every stupid trick they can, and I'll dig deeper into that (and tons more) when you click the "Play" button on the video, and turn up the sound.

In the comments section... Who is the biggest dumbazzz? Don Lemmonhead... Mika Brrrrrzinski... Or Mancow?

Now, click "Play" and turn up the sound for your dose of snarky news commentary!

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ATTENTION: YouTube and Big Tech is trying to block you from getting this snarky news commentary! 

The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

Click Here for the best way to get around the shenanigans >>

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