Do you know what will happen to us if we continue the “love affair” that the Democrats have with China?

You will not believe what is happening there. You will not believe what they do to people. What they do there will definitely be done to us if we continue to be at close ties with them!

I am now more inclined to believe in everything that Lin Wood is saying. He is accusing governor Brian Kemp of loving Communist China. I wouldn't be surprised!

Stay tuned in this broadcast for more!

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  • You know Linda, thoughts flood my mind about what they are REALLY doing with the number of organs they are harvesting. I don't believe for a minute that there can be that many organ recipients. They have factory proportional removals happening?????

  • Well they do love children. Santa sees a lot of children

  • Have Bill Gates take  his own vaccine to show how “SAFE” it is?

  • Thanks so much Linda.  Your exposure of the organ trafficking to Chicago reminded me of the KENNEKA Jenkins story and how the Crowns Plaza hotel was maybe still is being used as a harvest/traffic site.  Sherry Shriner died when she uncovered that truth.  It was also exposed that the University that has been primarily into organ research also in Chicago.

  • calif too well especially I want to go back 40 YEARS I truly think we deserve to KNOW ! WHAT A EVIL SANTA FIGURES all JOY STAMPED ON!!! no CHEER only Molesting 

  • They are VERY far from HUMAN BEINGS! WE Normal people LOVE and have Humility inside our humanity! WE LOVE and FEEL JOY! Those feelings come from GOD! They do not SEEK GOD not our GOD so these feelings they do NOT posess! although they are POSESSED!! WE NEED OUR CHURCHES OPENED PERIOD! WE NEED EACHOTHER THEY HATE OUR JOY OUR LOVE! because they can NEVER EVER FEEL THESE FEELINGS!

  • Oddly quiet (people and spirits) in the suburbs south of Pgh, Pa.  Lots of air traffic, all in unusual paths and patterns. The sun belchins had people acting glitchy. Hey. If the renters at Camp Justice like body parts, and fellow cabalists, perhaps a clever menu is in order. Ex; dead criminal chunks from execution by C4 explosives would be "crater tots", death by mechanical chicken separators would be "pulled dork", grinder sqoze pedos would be "porn dogs", and on taco day, death by lightning ectoslime biproduct, would be Godcuomoly sauce, haha. mox.

  • The only thing that keeps me going is my belief in prophets saying Trump will win. I watch Trey Smith and his God in s nutshell often an mark Taylor. The DS wants us to loose hope but we should all stand firm

    • Spirits spoke the physics of end times Earth and valid forgiveness, through me. I recorded it this time. I posted it on youtube. Search "Mark Buchanan Energy's Us", playlist labeled "Outsane". It's all good news. Love, mox.  🚴‍♂️

  • karma = bill clinton was infected also

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The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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