In Part 2 of my conversation with Sarge, we talk about military back channels.
Sarge also confirms what Madison Marquette, the military tribunal witness, has been saying about Washington DC.

Someone will be arrested for his crimes - and the arrest will shock the world…

Who could it be?

Think somewhere within the same caliber as the pope, or the queen…

IMPORTANT: YouTube and Big Tech is trying to block you from getting this snarky news commentary! Click Here for the best way to get around the shenanigans >>



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  • No basket for Comey! Le his MF head ROLL!

  • Linda, you are confusing people. There are two separate organs that you are confusing people with. The first one is the adrenaline gland. Adrenaline Grand is where audrina Chrome is made. Then there is the pineal gland. That is where the Walnut sauce comes in. Also, and the pineal gland are those crystals that you and Thomas were talking about when you had the Crystal skull show. The skull was made out of a certain type of crystal, the first skull that you were speaking about, and that substance is also found in the pineal gland. That is why they call it the third eye. Because that substance has the property of being able to produce light. And the third eye can see that Crystal. Feel free to contact me if I can straighten you out on anything else.. lol. Lb s

  • I agree with Sarge that the Pope's arrest will be the one to shock the World. It won't shock me that's for sure.

  • We went to D.C. in March for the Cherry Blossom Festival.  We stayed across from the White House at the Willard Hotel.  There was no traffic, all the buildings were closed, all the tours were closed, and you couldn't even SEE the WH for the barriers across the street from it at our hotel.  It was deserted.



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  • My response to those who call me a terrorist...

    I Am Andrew Breitbart! - YouTube

  • Linda, I live it when you have Sarge on.  He gets such a kick out of you.  If we can't laugh at these people then Satan wins😂

  • talking about corruption in the courts, go sit in on some court cases at your local courts, and you will catch on real quick how they drain peoples assets and how they make witnesses out liars, when all they are doing is telling what they know. these judges are more corrupt than the guilty parties they set free.  I don't trust lawyers, all the ones I know are as crooked as a dogs hind leg.  the ones that become the judges are the worse.  divorce courts is where they really clean up, if one of either party want a divorce, there is a reason behind it that they won't let come out in court.  the jurries never hear both sides, as it is geared toward the crookedest lawyer to win.  just go and watch and get educated on the shinanigans that goes on in our court system.

  • Fauci's arrest and execution will be the most shocking because he's known world-wide.  People have taken the jab because they trust him.  After his arrest, peoole will FINALLY realize he tricked them into slowly poisoning themselves and their family members.  That COVID is a cruel hoax.  For many of them, it's too late to undo the damage.  They'll be enraged and awake and then die.

  • 9122809495?profile=RESIZE_400x

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ATTENTION: YouTube and Big Tech is trying to block you from getting this snarky news commentary! 

The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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