RA Cloud.

White intel. Beware of deep state attempt to create their own "Trump".  use spiritual eyes.

How many Trumps are there? How many cloned assets exist?

How many are coming across the border?

Annunaki time travel tech.  Jumping timelines. Time slips.

Wojcicki dead.

Black Swan event.

How to avoid negative thoughts.  Connect to your higher self.


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  • A long time ago we were prepped. They said Trump would be flying on a plane all over the place without having to land and refueling in the sky.  I think that's where he would be now.

  • Great video Linda. I'm positive people at the conference saw the adorable Linda! Ra does sound like a great guy. It sounds like we have to step back from the matrix, unsubscribe from our daily videos so we can be calmer, see the big picture... but not yours! I liked the ascension memes. I like this cool lady, Landria Onkka on YouTube and she reminds viewers we are all part of the "collective " so it's best to approach this life with compassion. I know it's hard . I think Buddha said you could take notice of happenings but not reacting in a big way is best. For me, I feel better the further I stay out of the fray.

  • Hel buddy -you ROCK! Love from Ginny &Tom @Mohave desert.No alien crafts have landed,.....yet.

  • Thank You,  Linda ...

  • I don't think the Trump we have been seeing lately is the real one. Where is the real Donald Trump?

  • Both Stalin and Eisenhower said the dead guy at Hitler's bunker wasn't Hitler.  They both knew real Hitler disappeared.  Let the public believe he was dead so they'd feel safe to go back to normal life.

  • Good guy Hitler escaped vs. bad guy drug addict Hitler who was a clone or an actor who yelled all the time because of constant drug withdrawal. 

  • They visited those far flung places to study advanced but also ancient technology and yes learned to clone but it's a good thing they did.  Why?  Because Britian and the USA and Soviets already knew how to clone.  Beginning of clone wars.  Good guy Trump and bad guy controlled Trump.  Good guy organic Hitler who escaped with the REAL German scientists who had the quantum technology.  Allies or ALL Lies got the 2nd class scientists who offered 2nd class inferior technology like rockets and missiles.  Not the UFO's, portals, replicators, medbeds, star trek technology.  Those guys escaped and got out.  Left the inferior scientists behind for us to capture.

  • We were lied to about the Nazis.  They were the good guys.  Discovered the human trafficking underground network.  Made the mistake of trying to win on the surface first and lost.  Hitler even called out the fake Jews as Satanists.  I've seen the proof designing wargames for the US Army war colleges.  They know it too.  Not going back into the anti-Nazi pro Communist/Satanist box.  Anything the media tells you through news, movies, TV shows, documentaries, is a lie.  History is older mainstream media lies.

  •  🌕 O Snarky Spirit of the Moon! O Mighty Snarky Citadel!  Greatly Commend the Acumen and Vision of Ra Cloud  ~ On the front time~line of Defense! ~ to change Our world!

    "But you cannot see Me with your present eyes.  Therefore I give you divine eyes by which you can behold My mystic opulence." The Universal Form

    *Bejillion Thanks too~ McAllister TV!~ Be beholden for the uplifting parlance of splendid hints ~ has really really, been helpful for me ~ right now aye aye, got groove back on! ☯️ 

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The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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