Kamala: Not American-qualified. Not Black, not female.

Dominion voting fraud exposed by crowdstrike outage.

Vance or a look-alike?

POTUS rally notes.

TESLAS's giant all-seeing eye.

Hunting lodge - where Bulgarian royals go to hunt and eat.

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  • Call "her" Osama Bin Kameltoe.  I think "she" is Tim Ossman. Aka bin Laden   Can you look into that one?  Seriously. Look at the pictures of Tim Ossman/ Bin Ladin clean shaven. Same lips. Same chin. Same evening. Same stature. I think all 3 are the same person. I always thought bin Ladens burial at sea was a carpet rolled into a sheet. They don't want people to know there's no body so that's why he wasn't buried on land. They left no evidence. This is just my viewpoint but I think it is what happened 

  • Love you Linda! Thank YOU!!!

  • Windsors are not real English royalty.  They are usurpers from Hannover Germany.  The George's 1, 2, and 3 of revolutionary war fame are also usurpers from Germany.  William of William and Mary, was Dutch from The Netherlands when they were at war with the English a lot in the mid 1600's  The Stuarts were the last real English kings although they were Scottish.  That's why Scotland stopped revolting against England because their people were in charge anyway.  Usually still Catholic.  So the Tudors were the last fully English-Norman royalty. they are not the same as the Windsors.  King Arthur was Russian and lived on the Volga River before accepting a deal with the Pope to rule England.  The Windsors are a completely different breed. Pun intended.  There's a man now on Telegram who claims to be a true descendant of real English royalty.  the fight between good and evil didn't start with the Windsors or during the revolution or during Oliver Cromwell's usurpation from paying Dutch Khazarian "Jews".  so there were good non-demonic English royalty.  Like Anne Boleyn. Margaret Pole Plantagenet. Queen Margaret of Scotland. Catherine of Aragon.  With evil creeping into the Tudors from Henry 7th's mother Lady Margaret Beaufort who most likely helped eliminate the princes in the tower, children of Queen Elizabeth Woodville.  Henry 7th's wife Queen Lizzie Woodville. Richard 3rd, Edward 4th, Queen Anne Neville, Lady Jane Grey, Jane Seymore. The fight between good and evil was occuring then too and some of those people were good and Godly.  Good infiltrates the families of evil ust as much as the evil infiltrates good.  Elizabeth 1st was a combination of the good of Anne Boleyn and the bad, or crazy, of Henry 8th.  Princess Dianna Spencer was a "Windsor" too by marraige and mating but was she an evil reptile jerk?  Of course not.  So not all the "royals" were the same.

  • 🌀 O Daringly Deplorable One,  O Tout De Suite Linda,  Unshakable One! Aye Aye, never knew about the Tesla `Eye in the Sky ~ C00L 💡 innovations for the betterment of the real peoples ~ again held back in time by the hidden dew~claws of the ugly cabal~clowns. Makes me want to shout~fouls¿! Many Thanks too 📺 McAllister TV's due diligence !


  • Thank You,  Linda ... Hope that you're safe and sound , after experiencing Hurricane Debbie.

  • I don't remember the Channel, but they said JD Vance sells the blood of young children to the elites through a company called Ambrosia. Yup, that nasty chrome business!

    • Something about that guy gives me the heebie jerbies for some reason and his wife looks as friendly as a rabid Tasmanian devil. I don't know why they make me feel like this but they do. 

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The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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