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  • Linda and Norm, That was such a great video! I finally had a chance to watch and so this is in light of hearing just yesterday that Turdeau is stepping down! Norm you really had such an adventure and showed great courage! Bravo!

  • 🕯 Sir Norm Traversy , 🎖 

    Honor and duty bound and in the midst of the battle for All Our Sovereignty! To eradicate the ripple~wine agreements with the seditious~Baltic swivel~eyed,  snaggletooth, dew~dew clawed ugly~stinky clone~clown, Ai~Archon~types of unlawful khazarian soul~contracts !

    Sir Norm✨️ is on the ready and fighting the goodly~right fight with pen and sword!  As a de jure nonviolent intellectual revolutionary ~ true to life Ksatriya~warrior to checkmate against this twisted frequency~rhythm to the anarchic controlled~narrative by the said arrant vulgar and truely profane Cosmic~shit core of corps where `They Live entity disruptors on Our Mata Bhumi's Earth ! Alright Norm, then where do Aye Aye,  sign~up ? `A

    "A Man is Great by Deeds, Not by Birth." Chanakya Pundit 🕉 

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ATTENTION: YouTube and Big Tech is trying to block you from getting this snarky news commentary! 

The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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