This might be a new thing I do on Mondays - a vlog!

I can give you the update on beyond the headlines, and let you know about what’s coming this week and beyond… or I can rant about dim-witted sheep who won’t wake up!

IMPORTANT: YouTube and Big Tech is trying to block you from getting this snarky news commentary! Click Here for the best way to get around the shenanigans >>




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  • hey , linda  can i move inn with u 

  • Love your hair!!  It's gorgeous!

  • Blade Runner was a good movie,

    made from book, 

    "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"

    ~You are so right, that so much truth was given to us in these science-fiction movies. 

  • You're the best 🙏😇✝️💜🦋

  • I wonder how many people we know and see every day who are not  all human 🤔🤔🤔?…BTW, Linda, your hair looks great!👍👍👍👍


    Rabies Short Course - Vital Animal® § The Natural Path
  • Thank you Linda girl. Glad Truman's glands are cleared!

  • Covid vaccines are not the only "dangerous/poisonous" vaccines. You

    might not want to get your dog any more vaccines.  See her:

    GiaxWNXK-wq-KG1xwCN16I_eFF03olLIWJgdrj-yh4GfFDNnvHUk3YUR4lD76uS3LVM92fFRqNMd-vWi7yBUhruTtcNgryFibgJEJgPgNLs=s0-d-e1-ft#<a href=" />

    When you've got a pet that means the world to you (I know you: she does!), you want to do anything to make her happy.



    More beautiful.

    It's part of the joy of owning a dog or cat. They give you love and companionship and you naturally want to reward that.

    I totally get it.

    What Dr. WhiteCoat wants is something quite different.

    It's called "compliance."

    Wait. What?

    Yeah, it simply means you'll do (or comply with) whatever is on his agenda.

    That's a key word in ads you'll see in vet journals (the freebies that are loaded with drug advertising, not as much in the ones that publish research).

    Get compliance with one pill. That kills fleas within two hours and lasts for 120 days.

    Why is compliance important?


    It makes the cash register sing.

    And so it is with rabies "law" compliance.

    I hear stories far too often of vets overlooking the fact that your animal is perhaps not healthy at the time your next rabies shot comes "due."

    (Due is in quotes, because that's never true annually. Or every three years. Not from what immunology has known for decades now about this thing called "duration of immunity.")

    Here's a recent example with a rabies shot that likely was completely given for the sake of "compliance":

    I had a beautiful black and white basenji girl. I was forced to give her the rabies vaccination and immediately after I got her home, she was sick and lethargic and not eating much. After three days, she attacked my 16 year old basenji by the throat and knocked him over on his back trying to kill him. I got her off of him, picked him up and then she tried to go after my 14 year old chihuahua was coming into the room to see what the commotion was all about. I pushed her aside and was able to pick him up before she got to him. I got her outside and she was acting crazy and vicious, trying to get back into the house. I called the vet and brought her down and she was trying to attack and bite her too. I had to put her to sleep. It broke my heart. She was a loving caring funny dog before that vaccination and after the vaccination she was vicious and out of control. Of course the vets denied that it was the rabies vaccination that caused that, but I know what I saw and she was perfectly fine before she got the shot. -- Kathy, from One World Radio interview


    Aggression, just one example of illness possible from rabies shots.

    Other common side effects of being compliant:

    • chronic allergies ("The Itch" that's keeping her and you awake at night, and the #1 reason dogs see vets)
    • seizures
    • laryngeal paralysis, often progressing to the far worse…
    • …rear end paralysis and later, incontinence
    • autoimmune attack on her own blood cells (50% survival rate, after spending thousands on transfusions and ER time)
    • cancer, either at the site of her vaccination or elsewhere

    So, you likely see the pattern.

    In being compliant, you surrender your responsibility for your loved one's health.

    And yes, I get it: you have a law compelling you to be compliant on rabies shots. Unless you live in Hawaii, that's what you live with in the U.S.

    But, I want you to consider a healthier alternative to compliance.

    It's called empowerment.

    It's what most of my clients and students embody after they realize there's no one taking responsibility for their animals as seriously as they do.

    Empowerment is what I teach, and this current course, Rabies: Knowledge is Power, about to close now, is no exception.

    I'd suggest that the rewards of a long healthy, vital life far outweigh any perceived benefits of being "compliant."

    And this course helps you find the ways that work for YOU, where you live, in our current day, to avoid the damaging effects of following a law that's 100% counter to science.

    A law that's 100% unnecessary and 100% over reaching and potentially damaging to the one who means the world to you.

    But, let's say you decide that avoiding even a damaging, crooked law is more than you can stomach.

    That's okay.

    But you owe it to yourself and your animal pack to be well aware of the disease, its control, and how to help your next rabies vaccine from being so likely to hurt Sadie.

    How to react in a calm, assured manner should your animal ever bite someone.

    Or be bitten by a potentially rabid creature.

    All that is part of the discovery embodied in this course.

    You wouldn't be here reading this now if passive compliance was all you stood for. Click this button now and at the very least view the syllabus:

  •  Is there a link to this BTH?  Can't find on google.

    • To: Todd....

      Just stay here on McALLISTERTV...

      Linda will upload the program after Thomas & her finish it...

      You can look at other BTH videos here... Just scroll down the list !

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ATTENTION: YouTube and Big Tech is trying to block you from getting this snarky news commentary! 

The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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