
Hello, it's me, deplorable McAlister aka Linda Paris. Today’s report is on the several Q posts that have been dropped lately i.e. 3909 to 3918.

Watch as I walk you through the Q posts one by one. A short summary is presented here.

3909 - Democrats Are Determined to Undermine Election Integrity Protections Using COVID-19 as a Prop: The Democrats have a cure and are holding on to it. They don’t want to cure the Covid-19. They have tried everything to stop Trump and couldn’t. They will do anything, even undermine election integrity protections or cheat in any way.

3913 - COVID-19 Mass Hysteria is Being Pumped To Help D's Gain Support for Changing Voting Methods: They want to try to figure out a way to win the election... so they can get old Joe Biden in there. 

Have you ever seen such a sad plan? This proves that these people are sub-human. 

They may have mechanical parts, all right! Well, so does my vacuum cleaner! That doesn't mean it's more than human! 

They may have crazy DNA. That doesn't mean anything either, so do apes. That doesn't mean they're more than human. 

These people are idiots!

3914 - Armor of God: Whatever this says, These brainwashed Democrats won't get it. 

If Miley hasn't talked about it. 

If cher doesn't talk about it. 

If the old coot Bette Midler, that old man doesn’t say, (they're all men too, by the way... probably walks around his house on a caftan with a cane and a top hat). They're still listening to these people. 

But maybe they can see the difference between good and evil. That's a good start!

3915 - Pelosi Delivered Impeachment Articles Same Day as First US COVID-19 Case: Polizzi delivered impeachment articles and we already know she's walking around with a [kill box] over her hag head. Everything that spews forth from her lips is getting her further into trouble.

I don't think they're people and I think that's why THE TRUTH WILL SHOCK THE WORLD. How could you do what these people are doing and be human at the same time? I can't put those two things together!

3916 - Henry Kissinger: The Plan to Install A World Government Through Fear: Maybe Henry Kissinger should do some Red Pill Living Ad because he may need something for his health!

To Kissinger, I say, they're all going to be laughing at you and spitting on all of you. So you can look forward to that! The Silent War Continues!

3917 - Human Cannibalism and Spirit Cooking: The tweat got removed. About the link: I already have done a piece on this. This is Mark Zuckerberg's wife and she's Chinese too. just FYI. I mean ordinarily it wouldn't matter but when you're talking about these people right now it does.

3918 - The Mainstream Media and Democrats Are the Enemy of the People: My only hope can be that some of these people start to wake up. They will truly be lost when all this starts to come down. A lot of these people are not going to know who to turn to, because their friends are not going to have any answers. They're probably all just as brainwashed.

Click "Play" and turn up the sound for today’s dose of snarky news commentary, Q Posts... and more!

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The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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