Something big is about to drop... something huge.

I don't know what it is. But you can tell that [THEY] have an idea. You can tell they're very afraid of something. I feel like a lot of this, the way it's unfolding is to rattle their cages.

These people seem immune to the idea of themselves getting caught. It is so hard to rattle their cages or get them scared because they act so arrogant. They like it’s a done deal.

This is a well-tuned plan. They never expected anything this well organized to entrap them. They've been just busting through like gangbusters thinking it is okay to do what they do. They just do not realize that's exactly what the white hats wanted them to. They're walking into a trap each and every time because they think they're better than everybody else!

That is an early snark for you. Go and dig in for the rest from this broadcast!

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  • If this happens... Then I'm flagging them down & seeing if I can get a ride to someplace that has FREE cannabis !

  • I'm ROFLMFAO @ the absolute absence of a shred of rational thoughts OR ethic ideas from these dumb-as-a-tree stump talking monkeys !
    What a loser batch of clown cars in a manufactured highway crash "accident" !
    Cyberspace security...??? -------
    What did GENE say about the ORION constellation, LINDA ??
    Maybe more to that story than they're saying right NOW !!

  • Truman is adorable. 

  • Thank you,  Jean ... 

  • what date was the laura ingrham video.. trying to find on youtube  thanks AND THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR EXCELLENT WORK!

  • Diane's gift to you is a true gift of love 💕 SO BEAUTIFUL 

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ATTENTION: YouTube and Big Tech is trying to block you from getting this snarky news commentary! 

The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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