Hello, it's me, deplorable McAlister aka Linda Paris. This is my regular report on the news.
Watch today’s report as I walk you through various news headlines and present to you what this filthy deep state is up to… These people!
CDC tops the charts today by cutting their stated figures by a half … They're up to no good. What they do is this… they find a cover that paints them as the good guys.
Most people don’t realize, the CDC is a quasi-governmental agency. That means they are created and funded by the government… and get operational and political independence.
The Fed is another example of a quasi-governmental agency… and we all know how I feel about those crooks.
Yet another example is the Federal National Mortgage Association.
The CDC's collaborations with China should be collusions. It's frightening when you see the expanse of these “collaborations”.
This is just another one of their tricks where they turn everything on its ear upside down. This is a way they can sneak around with China and the CDC working together.
The CDC has global partnerships. They're going to try to make it sound good just like the Clinton Foundation. It's all wrapped up.
- the Red Cross,
- the Salvation Army it's all wrapped up...
- the school,
- the education system,
- the church
even so you know they wrap all their shenanigans up and
I'm being kind here, they wrap all their dirty deeds up in happy language... that's what they do. This whole idea of collaborations and partnerships should scare everyone and this started in 2007.
These people... they really only know how to do one dance and that's it! and they're doing it just faster and harder and that's all they're doing...
they're exposing themselves so bad
and it's not really shocking is it?
Come on! The way these people are... and I'm just waiting for their heads to spin around and green vomit to come out of their mouths and their eyes to roll back in their head and for them to levitate right off stage!!
Okay… put Sam Kineson back in the bottle… ugh… these people!
My closing meme that says “What happened to Diana?” should leave you eager to know more, so be sure to click ‘Play’ on the video report above
Oh… Here’s the headlines:
- HUGE! Official IHME Model for Coronavirus Used by CDC just Cut Their Numbers by Half!... They’re Making It Up As they Go Along!
- Corrupt WHO Director Faces Calls to Resign For ‘Deceiving the World’ by Allowing China to Cover Up Truth About Coronavirus
- 3 Weeks Ago Newsom Said 25.5 Million People in California Would be Infected with Coronavirus Over 8-Week Period – Actual Number Today? … 15,247
- Reporters without masks grill Trump about not wearing a mask
- OH DEM to report Trump's Chloroquine remarks as 'crimes against humanity'
- FCC Cites First Amendment to Reject Demand by Leftist ‘Free Press' Group to Censor President Trump and Talk Radio Over Coronavirus
- OUTRAGEOUS!... Top Experts Used by CDC Move Total US Coronavirus Deaths From 2.2 Million to 200,000 to 81,766 in Only 8 Days!
- BREAKING: Bizarre Statement From Disgraced and Fired Former ICIG Michael Atkinson Released to 'Special’ Reporters
- MUST READ: Fired and Disgraced Former ICIG Atkinson Left Behind a Trail of Lies and Corruption
- Disgusting! ABC Host Asks Pence: Do You Talk To God About The People Who Die Because Of Your lnaction? (VIDEO)
- Hack Reporter Asks President Trump About Shutting Down Grocery Stores to Stop Spread of Coronavirus - So We All Can Starve (VIDEO)
- Joe Biden Speaks Gibberish, Forgets When 1918 ‘Spanish Flu’ Pandemic Occurred (VIDEO)
- Earth Day Founder Dies in Prison After Murdering and Composting Girlfriend
Soooooo Fake. You can tell they are getting beyond desperate. They've gone from low-paid, low-IQ Craig's List actors👉to grabbing them right off the street corner now... https://t.co/g7KqLzvp1w
— Linda Paris (@Linda_Paris) April 6, 2020
Click "Play" and turn up the sound for today’s dose of snarky news commentary, Q Posts... and more!
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