Friday night at the movies with Norm Traversy and Linda Paris:  They are telling us their plans for us and have been for decades.

The history of Satanism by Montegue Summers.  Little known book tells of blood rituals and cannibalism.

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  • Here's an interesting movie! Curse of the Demon, 1958. Set in England and produced in England with .Dana Andrews. His character travels to England to attend a conference discrediting belief in devil worship and winds up investigating a devil worship cult. Well made with huge country mansions, good cast and good ending. Another comes to mind . The Devil rides out. Christopher Lee's favorite movie of his (and mine)! Lots of truth to that one!

  • PS jezabaal  

  • Linda and everyone here check out the outer limits 90s -2002 every episode is a truth very in our faces truths.

  • While your video is running is about the only time I hear truth about the world we live in! phew! Other than that, it's a lot of msm news my husband watches. This world is so crazy that I wonder how much longer it can go on. I guess it's a false reality covering the real struggle of good over evil. I think Jezebel was Bette's response to not getting the role of Scarlett O'Hara. There was a strange David Nicen movie about a young family in france that was placed to oversee a vinyard and when it didn't do well, he was sacrificed. That was a weird one. Don't know if that was a halloween release. I can't say how much I appreciate your videos. We are so immersed in our hollywood culture in this country , it's hard to see the movies for what they were.

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The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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