Hollywood is in panic... and they just realized it.

They are starting to hear about tribunals. Their friends are disappearing and they have not heard from them for a long time. They are hearing about people getting arrested!

Now they realize information about them is out there... and they could be the next person who would face the tribunal!

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  • Kendon Curtis, God bless you and your nephew. I hope he and the others are free soon. I've heard it said (and believe it) after the children, the Military have been the most abused in this whole situation. They heroically joined up to fight for their country only to discover they were tricked into fighting for the bad guys. Assure them the world understands they were misled through no fault of their own and their sacrifices will never be forgotten. We mustn't let them suffer like the Vietnam vets did. With very best wishes from the UK. God bless America. God bless President Trump. The world is with you all.

  • Love your new ad at the start!!!💖

  • Linda,

    I used to watch you on YT. So glad I found you again!

  • My Nephew is being held as a political prisoner here in America just for being at the Capitol on Jan. 6 he didn't even enter the Capitol . He described it as like being up front of a rock concert that opened late. A mosh pit type environment. He said he was lucky to be able to extricate himself from the crowd as the Capitol police opened the gates ( many people couldn't, and were forced into the Capitol) some of those people in their 50's, and 60's are still being held without bail like the horned guy who was on a blow horn inside the Capitol telling people to be peaceful as they had the right to peaceful Assembly in the people's house ( we do). Meanwhile the Known Antifa member who had a contract with CNN to escort their camera crew inside the Capitol was ironically caught by their own cameras acting as a Trump supporter shouting " burn it to the ground ". 
    how did the Antifa member know where , and when to be to make his contract with CNN?why didn't the enemies of Americans CNN use the footage of him?my Nephew who never even entered the Capitol was handed a police shield at one point, he said he only had it in his hands a few moments before getting rid of it. We now know that the person who handed him the shield was a FBI undercover officer, and the professional photographers that were literally everywhere who took his picture are tied to the Obama administration.  These agents gaslighting the whole thing are calling my Nephew and father a domestic terrorist. HE IS NOT. He is a war hero two tour veteran of the Iraq war. He is named after my grandfather who is one of 4 brothers who fought Hitler in WW2, my great uncle Frank paid the ultimate price. My father Charles grandfather fought during the Korea war .Charles has many cousins who have served one still serving today. The same oligarchs pawns who asked Charlie to go to war , and serve his country are now trying to scapegoat him to bolster their communist agenda that our veterans, and peacekeepers on the beat are somehow the enemies of Americans. The corruption at the top are the real enemies of Americans. They have partnered with the enemies of Americans committed Treason, and sacrificed our patriots to cover up their Treason. Case  and point the boys in Benghazi, seal team six, and now my war hero nephew all being sacrificed on the alter of Treason! My name is Kendon Curtis my email is Mutuallyassuredassistance @@gmail.com . Please contact me as I have their stories to tell.

    I can also be reached at 678- 767- 0982. 

  • None of these creatures need to walk the Earth or any other Planet again.

  • Who is the person who does the videos/research on the ground for these occult locations?

  • Recently Trump made a statement about how his team will announce press access to "rallies". But I think he was speaking about trubunals. 

  • Ed Gein

  • Linda, go on to RealRawNews.com. tribunal news etc.

  • These "aliens" have been here for eons, Read your Bible. They are demons, spirits of the nephilium and other.

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The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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