Hello, it's me, deplorable McAlister aka Linda Paris and I'm here with Gene.
Gene has called in to beyond the headlines before. He has a lot of valuable information about this cult or this cabal. What they believe, who they are, their rituals, and more.
We're also going to talk about the Hierarchy of the False Darkness. What is behind all this and for what reasons. How humans get possessed. How humans are utilized by evil.
Did you know that if all humans became good willed and happy for one day, these demonic forms would all have to leave the earth!
Listen in for more!
NOTE: This is Part one of the whole discussion. Further parts can be accessed below.
PART 3: GENE Part 3: The Underground War! Alpha Draconians! FRAZZEL_DRIP Breakdown! WARNING GRAPHIC!
More like "Crotch Itch" 👉😁 https://t.co/D99qTpQYIM
— Linda Paris (@Linda_Paris) March 31, 2020
Click "Play" and turn up the sound for today’s dose of snarky news commentary, Q Posts... and more!
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Hi Linda
thanks so much for all that you share🙏
can u elaborate on what Gene was inferring about David Icke ?? Thank you
S.A.,TX Listening & spreading truth!
My best childhood friend and neighbor -of long years ago - & he's still a Faithful Catholic told me that God gave The 'devil's legions reign of Our Mother Earth for one thousand years !( and that He could use those years at any time) . All right then Oy mon!
Our Collective Consciousness Grows on the *McAllisterTV* Show!
Holy Pictorial Arts Snarky 0ne ; The fearlessness of Gene throws the golden healing light against militant negative lowborn self proclaimed egg-shaped Archon-types dragoon queen man's grill vril-eyed homo luciferians in the guise thereof.
"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela