Let’s talk about the Trump rally. We’ll decode the whole thing. There is so much to talk about the event.

Trump said a lot of things we can discuss.

And do you really believe Joe is running the country? Only dumbasses think so.

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  • HI linda,

    they have proven that wearing disposable masks all day cause a lot of health issues with lungs and brain damage, so I wonder what damage is done by a old man wearing a exo-plastic mask all day? Hurry up President Trump, make your move for all our sakes, these people are evil. I know they say trust the plan, but the boat is leaky and filling up fast with sea water SOS,MayDay,SOS.

  • Watch the chemtrails.

    I am noticing a difference, though they are still spraying and microwaving us. In Poland was the perfect weather - cold winters and lovely, not to hot summers. Since visible manipulation by planes (documenting it since decades), the Sky changed colors, there is more pink and green, and was orange. Also, Mike Morales from the Above Ground World News is predicting weather on the base of chemtrails and bunker fuel operations better, than the AI controlling it (or not informing us on purpose, everywhere is second linning these days).

    Now, they are making foil cover on the sky to trap water in, so we are having humidity like never before. Sometimes I have a stuffed and itchy throught from that particules, or headache when the clouds are concentric shape. One time, they put it to strong, I had a clupm on brain, terrible headach, had to lye down, the normal birds were quiet, and even flies and bugs were gone. Strange quiet. Had difficulties with thinking is gently said, was able just lye down and pray to not explode my brain, and save all small creatures. Have pics somewhere of this cloudformer. After 30 minuts it stops, and slowly back to very weird normal. And the wind is diffrent too. Before, the wind was like muscles structure - not all trees was waving in the same time, some stronger, some not in the moment, there were dancing, but with the new wind is like a constant flow, with the same strenght everywhere, like a directed river, constant, and the trees are bent in one direction for a long time. Not natural, like made on mixing table.

    Although the Sun is different to, it is more white than yellow and burning like radioactive, but have no idea, how they are manipulating it, or do I know? ;-)

    • The good news is, that I am seing more often the normal clouds like 30 years ago. So nice to watch those flufy lambs in crazy shapes, and the colors are spectacular thanks to chemtrails. Sometching changed - during 1st lockdown March 2020, when the cars were grounded, the skies were not sprayed (it was dry as hell, had to water the bugs and birds, because my Grandma has milion flowers), since then there is way better with spraying, but still there. At last, they are giving (or we bought) us some rain this year.

  • I Love Melania.  I don't even need to know anything personal about here, I just love her presence.

  • Thank U for your passion to tell the truth...your so informative on many issues...can U get this 2 Trump?...theres a good reality that Paula White may have drank the kool-aide...the Illuminati dirty rat flavor...just saying...Im sure Trump wasn't thrown off over Pence...just sayin'...keep on snarking!...🎚🇺🇸💛ps...what we c in Melonia/Donald is Jesus the Son of God and she's had a Acts1experience with the Holy Spirit...thats true light!!!!🎆

  • Thank you,  Linda

  • Linda, there are comparison pics I have seen that are rather uncanny and I think point to something nefarious. One is Megan Kelly and Nicole Brown Simpson and another is AOC compared to Obama plus there was a 3rd person in that layout which I think shows a definite bloodline connection. Maybe their work on their "master race".

  • Linda.I saw a video talking about Melania. She said there is a statue of her in her home village It has been vandalized I believe.

  • Linda! Watch this! Remember when Trump said who knows the real meaning of covfefe? Here is the answer...shorten search by listening at 39.31. The entire thing is VERY INTERESTING!


    Magnetic Nanomaterials in the Injections, Masks & Swabs
    I think it's a possibility. Let me share some research into mind control, the magnetosphere, magnetite, magnetogenetics and how these things are bei…
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The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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