I decided to do a throwback Thursday in this episode.

I really want to do this because we cannot forget what these people are. I want to remind people because we're going to go into some creepy things about these people that we cannot forget.

It’s also nice to have these when your libtard friends start to ask you questions. It would be nice to - wake them up.

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  • What you have that actually works for pain ?

    If it CBD without THC 

    I tried it and it fake it doesnt work.

    We are on a fixed income husband stage 4 cancer .  I had surgery Dr. Deny pain meds or ration every 6 hours and max dose 5 mg ...

    30 in bottle and say " that is all you get".

    I AM IN PAIN and have to take care him and now my income stopped.

    It been such a hardship trying to manage my pain by buying useless naturals that dont even work.

    I am serious Linda to find a promising med that works for pain. Genuinely. 

    We have no extra money .



  • why can't I chromecast your videos anymore? 

  • What a lovely voice Linda Paris has...

    My bandwidth is not fast, so could you begin to place an mp3 or ogg link for low bandwidth followers to use?

    I am saddened that I had only enough signal to listen to a bit of the music at the beginning and then cut this broadcast off...   oh wait,  linda is introducing herself, but she keeps getting cut off by lack of bandwitch.

    Thanks  I know she is worth listening to from Ugetube.

  • Linda, this post has nothing to do with this episode. For a jaw dropping laugh, check out the photo of Big Mike on the Gateway Pundit, today. She's seated, wearing a low cut blouse. It's proof of the transurgery to become a female on the top half. The incision to lift and separate (STOP THINKING ABOUT MAIDENFORM BRAS! 😄 😉) actually left a scar that's supposed to be it's cleavage, but actually looks like a massive vagina that's been to Brazil !! I bet Barry gets plenty of use out of THAT gash. POTUS was so on point, when he said, "These people are sick." PLUS! the Moose is packin'on the pounds. I guess a vegetable garden is sooo 2008 in Martha's Vineyard.

    • WoW Cynthia ~ that is NUTS - absolutely looks like a massive "gash" 🤔

      Apologies to anyone who thinks my description is offensive ~ but just take a look at Big Mike - that creature is offensive & played as First Lady for 8 Fooking years - so 🙃😫😩

    • It's like 'she' is showing it off!

  • This photo is from a messaging group I'm in. I have no idea if it is real or photoshopped. but I had to share it here. 8904221493?profile=RESIZE_584x

    • OMG. He is a hideous creature, in that we can legitimately entertain that this could plasibly be a real photo. I despise these perverts. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to return to the days of our naivety? The world was a better place, when we didn't have to attempt to unsee the images of their sicknesses. As a 64 yr old former 70's hippie, I thought I'd seen it all....ooohhhh contraire.

      No one would believe it for a second, if it were a real man, like....say....DONALD J. TRUMP!

  • And That MONSTER HillBillary OMG you know what she sounds like a TRUCK DRIVER she is filth....I LOVE THROW BACK THURSDAY!!!


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ATTENTION: YouTube and Big Tech is trying to block you from getting this snarky news commentary! 

The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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