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  • Brice from Esoteric Atlanta has had many of these attacks that leave her bruised and scratched. Apparently you two are a threat to evil because they don't like being exposed.

  • Anger causes liver problems.

  • Linda - love your stuff.  I can tell from your content that you're having trouble and I don't mean that as a criticism, just as a friend worry about yourself and Truman first and your content later.  You're covering a lot of big, mind-bending, some of them very dark topics, we are all feeling the effects of the past year.  It's been tough.  Personally I think on your own it's too much of a challenge to do a new video every day.  People who do dailies have a lot of help.  Even once a week is tough to get that "evergreen" quality you're referring to.  It's ok.  We appreciate what you do and it's helping a lot of people.  Don't stop but don't let it consume you either.  I'll do my best to do the same.  It's difficult.  You're not alone!

    A Lullaby for Linda

  • Linda, my brother had hepatitis C  from bad clams and was having to inject himself with interferon daily. He was to the point that he was going to have a liver transplant. He got in touch with Dr. Gary Null a health practioner in NY who put him on a diet of carrots, kale and Chinese herbs.  It took a while but he's completely healed. Let food be thy medicine and I pray you are healed in Jesus' name.

    • She has to get rid of the CBD or nothing will help.

  • Please take care of yourself, Linda...LOVE your show. As my Mom always used to say, "health & safety first".

  • Linda, Take your time and do it right. We can wait. Take care of yourself. I appreciate all you do. At first I thought you were crazy. Not so. You're wide awake. Blessings

  • CBD destroys Liver Cells.

  • Dr. Clark a MD and holistic practitioner has great programs, protocals, and supplement/cleanse suggestions, she also published a Book "The Cure for all Diseases" and it is a must for detoxing the body and healing from everything. She is no Quack, and I am an intelligetn and aware Man, and a New Yorker. Pursue her even if it is simply reading her info. I believe the "establishment" removed her as she was healing People. Best wishes from a fellow Log Islander!!!

  • First off you remain a bastion of truth boldly distributed in a world of misinformation, even among Q devotees and other sources that have wholly or partially sold out, not you. We need you Linda!!!  I wish you well withyour liver, and ask that you remain making videos as we need you now more then ever. I believe we will gain good news in December as we received a bit here in NY where Chris Cuomo was dumped from CNN, and am curious if he's joining his brother in GITMO. In any event best wishes Linda, and a heartful thank you for your earnest virtue and bravery. God Bless. 

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The things these people will do -- These People!   

Listen -- These deep state darling dumbazzes are not invincible….

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